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Moscow attack: Did the Russian Ambassador ignore warnings before the incident?

Moscow Attack Putin

Moscow Attack Putin

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Could the Moscow attacks have been prevented? Several weeks before the Krasnogorsk attack near Moscow, the Americans reportedly warned the Russians about a potential threat. However, they appear to have gone unheeded. According to Anatoly Antonov, the Russian ambassador in Washington, no warnings were sent to Russia.

The Russian government and media are accused of spreading propaganda as part of their information war.

Following the terror attack in Krasnogorsk, media outlets revealed that Putin ignored the American warnings. Russia was warned weeks ago about the impending danger, according to the White House.

The US government found out about a terrorist attack that might target large gatherings, including concerts, in Moscow earlier this month. “We passed this info along to the Russians,” said National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson.

Providing this information aligns with the United States’ “duty to warn” policy, Watson explained.

Americans believe the warning was directly conveyed to Vladimir Putin, who dismissed the warnings as Western blackmail aimed at intimidating and destabilizing Russia.

There was no warning received before Moscow Attack, by the Russian ambassador:

The Russian perspective offers a contrasting narrative. According to polskierradio24, Anatoly Antonov, Russia’s ambassador to Washington, said that he was not informed of the American warning.

Earlier on March 8, the State Department informed the general public of a possible Moscow attack that was expected to occur within 48 hours.
According to Antonov, the embassy was monitoring reports of possible Moscow attacks by extremists with large-scale plans shortly..

He pointed out that the efforts to prevent terrorism had broken down, and emphasized that Moscow was not at fault.

Read Next: “Soon, World War 3 will start,” Putin warned the West.

The story is not the same without further discussion of who was responsible for the attack.
Despite accusations of Ukrainian involvement, Kremlin officials believe that Ukraine was responsible for the lethal attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue. Adrian Watson and U.S.

No indication of Ukrainian involvement has been made by Vice President Kamala Harris. It claims that there is no. The so-called Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack and posted photos claiming to show them.

Reminder: On March 24, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced that 137 people were killed and 180 injured in a terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk, near Moscow.

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